
Tractatus de proprietatibus quarundam stellarum et convenentia earundem quibusdam lapidibus et herbis

In the XXXII chapter of the secondo book of De occulta philosophia Cornelius Agrippa quotes an advice by the Arabian astronomer Thabit, about how to capture a specific star virtus, by picking up the stone and the herb associated to it, when the Moon stands in good aspect with the star itself.


The original Arabic text, entitled Ghayat al-hakim, was written in Spain in 1047-1051 and translated into Castilian in 1256, at the court of Alfonso X el Sabio.

Liber Antimaquis

 It is difficult to determine whether the Liber Antimaquis (book of the spiritual works of Aristotle and the secrets of Hermes) represents the direct translation of a set of treaties on Hermetic magic, with several titles in Arabic manuscripts, or the adaptation of a previous version.