(Ashb. 1166, ff. 5v-6r)
Questa sezione, che include una vasta banca dati, consente l'accesso alle informazioni e ai contenuti bibliografici, nonché alla consultazione delle riproduzioni digitali dei manoscritti ermetici di epoca medievale.
La realizzazione del catalogo bibliografico si basa sul censimento dei libri estratti dal volume I testi e i codici di Ermete nel Medioevo edito da Paolo Lucentini e Vittoria Perrone Compagni e dall'appendice Le stampe ermetiche curata da Paolo Lucentini e Antonella Sannino, Firenze 2001, per quanto riguarda i testi numerati 1-23, 43-45, e i campi "descrizione", "manoscritti" e "libro antico".
La raccolta sistematica dei dati delle stampe antiche comprende le loro localizzazioni, rintracciate attraverso l'aiuto di ampie banche dati.
This section, which includes a vast database, provides access to bibliographical and content information and to consultation of digital reproductions of medieval Hermetic manuscripts.
The realization of the bibliographic records draws on the book census carried out in the volume I testi e i codici di Ermete nel Medioevo, edited by Paolo Lucentini and Vittoria Perrone Compagni, and in the appendix Le stampe ermetiche edited by Paolo Lucentini and Antonella Sannino, Firenze 2001, insofar as concerns the texts numbered 1-23, 43-45, and the fields "description", "manuscripts" and "ancient book".
The systematic data collection of ancient prints includes their localization, retrieved through the aid of broad databases.
De quattuor annulis Salomonis
De quattuor annulis Salomonis (Tractatus discipulorum Salomonis super eutentam et ydeam)
Liber Hermetis vel de rebus occultis
Liber Hermetis vel de rebus occultis
The Divine Pymander
John Everard is the author of the first English translation of the Corpus Hermeticum, known as The Divine Pymander. He was a Hermetic thinker, Neoplatonist, alchemist, and advocate of familism.
Il Pimandro di Tommaso Benci
Corpus Hermeticum
The dialogues on philosophical topics, which were attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, and were composed between the 1st century and the 2nd century AD, were brought together in the Corpus Hermeticum by the Byzantine scholar Michael Psellos.
Crater Hermetis
The De summa hominis dignitate dialogus qui inscribitur Via Christi et Crater Hermetis is a philosophical dialogue witten in prosimeter.
Lazzarelli plays the role of teacher and prophet. He shows his disciples, through a hermetic and Christian path, how to reach happiness and salvation.
Liber imaginum signorum
The Liber imaginum signorum is a treatise on astrological medicine that appears under the title De imaginibus ad calculum in the Latin translation of Picatrix and in Opus de praeclarum imaginibus astrologicis of Jerome Torrella.
Tractatus de quindecim stellis
In the Antipalus maleficiorum by Trithemius - an index of necromantic books - there is a quoting of this liber, attributed to the prophet Enoch.
Tractatus de proprietatibus quarundam stellarum et convenentia earundem quibusdam lapidibus et herbis
In the XXXII chapter of the secondo book of De occulta philosophia Cornelius Agrippa quotes an advice by the Arabian astronomer Thabit, about how to capture a specific star virtus, by picking up the stone and the herb associated to it, when the Moon stands in good aspect with the star itself.
Tractatus de iudicio urinae
Also titled Liber de iudiciis urinae sine visu eiusdem urinae the treatise is anonymous or attributed to Hermes.
Tabula smaragdina
There is a legend according to which Hermes carved a text of wisdom with the tip of a diamond on an emerald tablet.
Liber viginti quattuor philosophorum
The Liber viginti quattuor philosophorum is an apocryphal of the hermetic tradition, written in the second half of the twelfth century and attributed to Hermes Trismegistus.
Liber de virtutibus herbarum decem et novem
The Liber de virtutibus herbarum consists of a treatise about zodiacal signs and the seven planets, connected to medical plants, described by Jonathan Smith as "one of the most precious texts for an understanding of the religious life of Late Antiquity".
Liber de stellis beibeniis
Liber de spatula
The scapulimancy is an ars divinatoria that consists in the analysis of the shoulder blades of the animals sacrificed.
The oldest fragment concerning this practice and attributed to Hermes has North African origins.
Liber de sex rerum principiis
The book is divided into seven parts preceded by a prologue, in which the legend of the three Hermes, dating back to the philosopher Albumasar, is narrated.
Liber de septem herbis
The original Greek version of the Liber de septem herbis consists of two notices: one is anonymous or attributed to Hermes, the other one to Alexander the Great.
Liber de secretis naturae
It is the Latin version - achieved by Ugo of Santalla - of the Arab work Kitab sirr al-haliqa ("The book of the secret of Creation"), written in the first half of the 11th century.
Liber de quattuor confectionibus ad omnia genera animalium capienda
The Liber de quattuor confectionibus ad omnia genera animalium capienda is the Latin translation of an Arabic treatise about natural magic. Handed down from a single manuscript, the text in dialogical form is mentioned by the author of the Speculum astronomiae and by William of Auvergne in De universo.